The typing of the Dead its surprisingly the typing of the dead is an off beat
puzzle action game PC that zombies by quickly typing words this game actually
has a history a version of sega's previously release light gun arcade game. The
Typing of the dead such as it is mad scientist attempt to army zombies. that you
must type in quickly and accurately to it. but things can get very exciting when
zombies each bearing a long.
the game determine that however depending on how quickly you defeat your
enemies. you may be bale to rescue innocent bystander and choose alternate
paths a level you will always finish all level by fighting a powerful boss. one will
another will come barreling at you with a giant chainsaw and will strike. the game
also features several other modes that let you square off again each of the boss
monster's . the game is not specially colorful most of the levels you will fight
through are drab building and sewers , the game itself run briskly even mid range
machine and the zombies are animated well and look about as good as they can.
Pentium III 733 MHZ
RAM = 128 MB
HD Space = 100 MB
Video Memory = 16 MB
Operating Windows = XP, Vista , windows 7 , Windows 8
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